Established with the support of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Rhode Island Afterschool Network (RIAN) is one of the 50 national afterschool networks dedicated to informing policy, developing partnerships, and shaping practices to sustain and increase the quality of afterschool programs nationwide.
About the 50 State Afterschool Network
In every state an afterschool network is broadening opportunities for youth.
The 50 State Afterschool Network is the aggregate of 50 independent networks, sharing the collective impact and innovations in supporting and expanding afterschool and summer learning programs nationwide.
Seeking equitable outcomes for children to succeed in school and future jobs, a statewide afterschool network brings together cross-sector leaders with a common vision and coordinated strategy to advance quality afterschool and summer learning programs.


Support quality experiences where youth explore, learn, and grow

Identify funding for afterschool and summer learning programs

Drive investment in innovation in afterschool and summer programs

Champion policies that support youth and remove barriers to access

Build public will for afterschool opportunities

Design and coordinate supports to improve program quality